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Why is it important to give feedback?

Giving feedback contributes to a positive and healthy work environment. Employees feel more engaged and deliver higher quality work. Collaboration also becomes smoother. However, we often find it hard to give feedback that others truly benefit from. And it’s a pity, because feedback delivers amazing results. Here are 5 reasons why giving feedback is so important.

#1 Increased motivation

Feeling valued is a basic human need. We all want praise when we do something well. When a colleague acknowledges that you have handled a task well or successfully completed a project, you feel that you are contributing to the organization’s success. The effect? You feel more accountable and more willing to try new things and tend to do your best.

#2 Faster achievement of goals

Through feedback, you learn what you should (or shouldn’t) do to achieve your goals more quickly. It also improves collaboration between teams, which ultimately leads to faster achievement of common goals. By receiving continuous feedback, you can assess at any time whether you are still on the right track. This way, you know if you are in line with where your team or organization wants to go.

#3 Working on weaknesses

Feedback from different perspectives results in a larger and more complete self-image. And yes, we all have our flaws… Receiving negative feedback can be challenging. But such feedback gives you the opportunity to improve. You discover your weak points and can work specifically on them.

#4 Developing strengths

We always welcome positive feedback. When you receive it, you become aware of your strengths. You grow both professionally and personally, thus expanding your potential. And you develop your talents! By regularly giving feedback to others, you help in making progress.

#5 Increased job satisfaction

When you receive attention and recognition, you go to work with greater joy. Moreover, by giving feedback, you express your feelings and address underlying needs more quickly. An open feedback culture leads to a better atmosphere and collaboration. Who wouldn’t want that?

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