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Conflict Management

Handling your own and other people's conflicts

Within conflict management you will learn to identify different types of conflicts – this is necessary to choose the right method to solving them.

Also, you will acquire an understanding of, how conflicts typically evolve, and what it requires to solve conflicts at the different levels.

The language is very significant, to whether a conflict is escalated or the opposite, and thus you will also learn how you can apply Marshall B. Rosenberg’s NVC-model (Non-Violent Communication) to de-escalate a conflict, which you are involved in.

Furthermore, you are given training within, how you can take on the role as mediator in conflicts between others and thus contribute to the solving of these.

Training within conflict handling is a part of the course How2Lead, and it can also be a topic at an in company-course held for your organization. You can learn more about the options here.